Report Severe Weather Safely and Effectively

Stay safe first! Only report weather events if you can do so without putting yourself in danger.

The Severe Weather net will be started on the LRA 2m repeater.

How to Report:

  1. Check in: Use your call sign, name, and location to check in to the severe weather net. The net will be started on the LRA 2m repeater.
  2. Get Attention: When reporting, clearly state your call sign and briefly mention what you’re seeing (e.g., “This is N0CALL reporting heavy rain”).
  3. Provide Details: Once Net Control acknowledges you, provide a full report using the “Who”, “What”, “When”, and “Where” format.
  4. Reporting Resources: Refer to the “Severe/Convective Weather Report” form under Activities > SKYWARN page.

Remember: By reporting accurately and following proper procedures, you are helping to keep your community safe!